Legal Dictionary


Definition of insolvency


    insolvent +‎ -cy


insolvency (plural insolvencies)

  1. The condition of being insolvent; the state or condition of a person who is insolvent; the condition of one who is unable to pay his debts as they fall due, or in the usual course of trade and business; as, a merchant's insolvency.
  2. Insufficiency to discharge all debts of the owner; as, the insolvency of an estate.


  • solvency

Further reading

Insolvency means the inability to pay one's debts as they fall due. Usually used in Business terms, insolvency refers to the inability for a company to pay off its debts.

Business insolvency is defined in two different ways:

  • Cash flow insolvency
    Unable to pay debts as they fall due.
  • Balance sheet insolvency
    Having negative net assets � in other words, liabilities exceed assets.

A business may be 'cash flow insolvent' but 'balance sheet solvent' if it holds illiquid assets, particularly against short term debt that it cannot immediately realise if called upon to do so. Conversely, a business can have negative net assets showing on its balance sheet but still be cash flow solvent if ongoing revenue is able to meet debt obligations, and thus avoid default � for instance, if it holds long term debt. Many large companies operate permanently in this state.

Insolvency is not a synonym for bankruptcy, which is a determination of insolvency made by a court of law with resulting legal orders intended to resolve the insolvency.


  1. Wiktionary. Published under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

Translation of insolvency in Malay


  1. Insolvensi


1.     landed property
2.     lex situs
3.     status quo
4.     conclusive presumption
5.     ownership
6.     lex patriae
7.     AORO
8.     Doctor of Laws
9.     lex fori
10.     lex loci delicti commissi